Please support us with your yearly membership. You can pay through PayPal now! Click "Join Now" under the membership of your choosing, or you can make a one-time contribution at the end of the page.

Free admission for 10 to all 2019 SAS events
“Create Your Own” for 4 people
Entry for 10 to the Annual Glass Sale the day before public opening
Listed on all social media, website and sponsorship board at the studio
Listing on sponsorship board at all public glass demonstration events
Listed on all promotional print materials
Receive a special paperweight created by SAS artists
Receive 4 SAS T-Shirts
Toye & Jack Bailey, Gia Kosmitis
Bill Wiener

Free admission for 8 to all SAS events
“Create Your Own” admission for 2 people
Entry for 8 to the Annual Glass Sale the day before it is open to the public
Listed in all social media posts and website and on sponsorship board at the glass studio
Listed on sponsorship board at public glass demonstration events
Receive a glass flower created by SAS artists
Receive 2 SAS T-Shirts
Honey Bee Gonzales & Rickie Bobbie
Frank H. Thaxton III
Donavan Stinson

Free admission for 4 to all SAS events
“Create Your Own” for one person
Entry for 4 to the Annual Glass Sale the day before its open to public
Listed in all social media website and on sponsorship board at the glass studio
Listed on sponsorship board at public glass demonstration events
Receive one SAS T-Shirt
Bill Mendenhall
Drs. Aime & Pierce Nunely

Free admission for 2 to all SAS events
Entry for 2 to the Annual Glass Sale the day before public opening
Listed on all social media and website
Listed on the sponsorship board at the glass studio and at demonstration events
Receive a glass flower created by SAS artists
Receive one SAS T-Shirt
Wendy & Dave Benscoter